"For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it." ~ Jean-Paul Sartre


Sunday, April 3, 2011

50/50 Give Away!

Click for review
I was cleaning out the basement yesterday and came across one of my many containers of books from my pre-Kindle days.  One title that caught my eye was 50/50 by Dean Karnazes.  The book chronicles Dean's adventures as he runs 50marathons in 50states in 50days.  I remembered reading the book and enjoying it, and thought, "I should give this book away."

To win the book all you have to do is:

  1. Click the Follow button over there on the right, and follow my blog.  I know some of you subscribe to the RSS, email, or google reader, but to be eligible for the book give away you have to be a follower.
  2. Wait patiently for me to randomly chose a winner.  I will post the winner on my blog and if I know you locally I will hand deliver the book, or if you are from parts unknown you can email me your mailing address and I will send it to you.
If you want I will even autograph the book for you.  I am not sure why you would want me to though.  Thought I would throw that out there to sweeten the pot a bit.
So what are you waiting for all you have to do is click and wait!  This is too easy, and your chances of winning are pretty good!


  1. I'm a follower, but since I'm already a beneficiary of your cleaning spree, I'll survive if you pick someone else. I would, however, still like to have your autograph.

  2. I'm following now! Although take me out of the contest...I already have the book and love it. Let someone else win it...but I just wanted to follow your blog!

  3. I want to read the book! Maybe it will motivate me to do more! Ran a 1/2 yesterday and was disappointed in my time... Need to re-evualate my running. Do I become more dedicated and do the things I need to do to take the running to the next level, or just move on to running shorter distances.... decisions, decisions... Maybe the book will inspire me...If you have someone else in my mind no problem.

  4. Oops...take me out of the contest...I just got this book as a birthday present tonight. Well, last night now.

  5. I always thought myself more of a leader than a follower, but hey...if there is a free book involved then follow I shall!!
