
Monday, November 28, 2011

The CastleWood Experience

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking "I can't believe Patrick is writing a post that does not involve the 100+Project!"  That's right Ladies and Gentlemen this post will not be about fundraising, travelling 100+miles on some weird contraption, or my rising status as a local celebrity.

It will be about the Castlewood Experience.

I have explained before how my friends Robin and Chuck of ROCK Racing got me into adventure racing so I won't go over all that again.  This year for the Castlewood 8hour Adventure Race Chuck and Robin are introducing even more people to this great sport, and when they asked me to be involved I couldn't say no.
ROCK Racing has put together 3teams:

  1. ROCK Racing Rebels, a four person all female team  
  2. ROCK Racing Trail Rats, a four person coed team
  3. ROCK Racing Renegades, a two person male team
Most of the members of these teams have little to no experience in adventure racing.  The idea for the Castlewood Experience as I understand it came when Robin and Chuck got tired of hearing people say "I would love to try adventure racing but...".
They figured with a couple of seasoned vets, like themselves to guide the teams along there wouldn't be room for any more excuses.  Basically we are going to move as one 10person team giving everyone a chance to navigate without the fear of being hopelessly lost in the woods (I think it is this possible outcome that keeps most people away).  We will mountain bike, paddle, orienteer, and whatever else the course has to offer together having a great time along the way.  What an awesome way for Chuck and Robin to give back to the sport they love.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the Castlewood Experience!

Chuck, Robin, and me Goomna 2011


  1. Awesome Patrick! Sounds like a fun time and a great way to me an ambassador for adventure racing.

  2. This is really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys out there.
