
Thursday, September 8, 2011

100+Project: Project Concern

While skating over 100miles I made you all aware of the the St Louis Asthma and Allergy Foundation.  Through my efforts many of you shared personal stories with me and some of you even opened up your wallets and donated to them through the 100+Project.  I can't thank you enough for your donations, and I know the good people at the Foundation thank you as well.
Since you donated I thought you might want to know how your money will be spent.  Below is some information about Project Concern that I have taken directly from the Foundations website.  Project Concern is just one of the ways that the Foundation is making the world a better place for children and young adults who suffer from asthma and allergies in the St Louis metro area.
While skateboarding over 100miles may be an impressive feat, the St Louis Asthma and Allergy foundation has been working hard for 30years.  That is impressive!

“Over 27 years of helping children
in the St. Louis community to breathe easier”
WHAT IS PROJECT CONCERN?Project Concern is a comprehensive asthma management program that provides medications, equipment, education and support to uninsured or underinsured children with asthma and allergies from birth through age 22.

Children and young adults through the age of 22 who:
• Are uninsured or underinsured, with a mid- to low- income as determined by the Federal Poverty Level guidelines.
• Are in the process of applying for MC+ for Kids or Illinois All kids or Kids Care and are waiting for coverage to become effective.
• Are in need of assistance with prescription co-pays.
• Live in or are seeing a doctor in one of the following counties: St. Louis City, St. Louis County, the Missouri counties of Jefferson and St. Charles; and in the Illinois counties of Madison and St. Clair.
If a child is seen by a physician at one of the children’s hospitals or at a neighborhood clinic, a nurse or a social worker can assist with a Project Concern application and mail or fax it to the AAFA office. All applications are reviewed individually and in a quick manner to provide immediate assistance.
Caregivers can contact the Asthma and Allergy Foundation to obtain an application.
Approved asthma and allergy medicines
Nebulizers and attachments
Peak flow meters
Allergic bed encasings
Asthma management/educational materials

Now when you combine that with the fact that Asthma is the #1 reason children are hospitalized in St Louis, and that approximately 80% of Asthma prescriptions go unfilled due to the family's inability to afford the medication, you can see why Project Concern and the work of the Foundation is so important (source

In future post I will highlight other ways the foundation is helping.
Until then stay safe and breathe easy!

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