
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Change of plans

Knee trouble + Many races left still this season = No PM run until race season is over.

In other news:
The Wood River Tri went very well. As much as I cried about the swim I found it to be quite enjoyable. Next year I plan on doing a longer Tri so I am still working on the swim. I have much room to improve with all this multisport stuff, but that is good. I am pleased with where I am right now but seeing improvement is always a huge motivating factor.
I always tell Beth that it is time to get serious about my training. Getting serious I believe will ultimately lead to my downfall. So "serious" is out the window. I am going to start training more I just won't be too serious about it. I will do this endurance stuff for as long as it is fun. When it stops being fun I will move on to something else, but with all of the many chalenges these types of activities present I think I will always be able to find the fun.

Friday, August 7, 2009

It is Time...

Well tomorrow is the big day. The Woodriver Triathlon is finally upon us. I am not as ready as I would like to be but that is no ones fault but my own. I thought the swimming would come along faster than it did. Last night's swim class went really well, and I am not dreading the swim tomorrow. I still won't be able to swim the whole 450 meters but it's ok I will do better next time. I plan to continue swimming. Eventually I would like to do an Ironman but that is down the road a bit still.
Wish me Luck!